Bible Reading Plans

– GROW Deeper in the WORD –

In 2024 and beyond, we are called to be a people of God, led by the Spirit of God, in the Word of God. Whether this is your first Bible Reading Plan or you read through the Bible each year, may we be intentional of digging deeper in the Word of God and growing closer to The Lord in our daily reading.

This year, The Lord has led us to do daily Bible Reading Plans that will be published throughout the year from January to December. Be sure to check back for Reading Plans throughout the year. We pray these resources are a help to you and your family as we experience a deeper walk with God LIKE NEVER BEFORE!

As we hear the messages from The Lord and read His Word daily,
may His Word lead to transformation in our lives.

Our next Bible Reading Plan will begin July 7!

August 4-31

Download Reading Plan on a white background

Download P.O.U.R method on a white background


Click below for the Family Focus Ephesians Videos 14-15 or Further Study videos in Ephesians from J.D. Grear. To view videos, you will need access to a FREE RightNow Media Account. Directions to create your FREE account are below.

Ephesians – What is God’s Plan?
Video 14 – Ephesians 5:22-23 // CLICK HERE
 for Family Discussion Questions
Video 15 – Ephesians 6:1-24 // CLICK HERE
for Family Discussion Questions

Further Ephesians Study
Video 9 – Ephesians 5:22-6:9 // CLICK HERE
for Video 9 Guide
Video 10 – Ephesians 6:10-24 // CLICK HERE
 for Video 10 Guide



July 7 – August 3

Download Reading Plan on a white background

Download P.O.U.R method on a white background


Click below for the Family Focus Ephesians Videos 8-13 or Further Study videos in Ephesians from J.D. Grear. To view videos, you will need access to a FREE RightNow Media Account. Directions to create your FREE account are below.

Ephesians – What is God’s Plan?
Video 8 – Ephesians 4:1-3 // CLICK HERE
 for Family Discussion Questions
Video 9 – Ephesians 4:4-6 // CLICK HERE
for Family Discussion Questions
Video 10 – Ephesians 4:7-16 // CLICK HERE
 for Family Discussion Questions
Video 11 – Ephesians 4:17-24 // CLICK HERE for Family Discussion Questions
Video 12 – Ephesians 4:25-32 // CLICK HERE for Family Discussion Questions
Video 13 – Ephesians 5:1-21 // CLICK HERE for Family Discussion Questions

Further Ephesians Study
Video 6 – Ephesians 3:14-4:16 // CLICK HERE
for Video 6 Guide
Video 7 – Ephesians 4:17-5:7 // CLICK HERE
 for Video 7 Guide
Video 8 – Ephesians 5:8-21 // CLICK HERE
for Video 8 Guide



June 9 – July 6

Download Reading Plan on a white background

Download P.O.U.R method on a white background


Click below for the Family Focus Ephesians Videos 4-7 or Further Study videos in Ephesians from J.D. Grear. To view videos, you will need access to a FREE RightNow Media Account. Directions to create your FREE account are below.

Ephesians – What is God’s Plan?
Video 4 – Ephesians 2:1-11 // CLICK HERE
 for Family Discussion Questions
Video 5 – Ephesians 2:12-22 // CLICK HERE
for Family Discussion Questions
Video 6 – Ephesians 3:1-13 // CLICK HERE
 for Family Discussion Questions
Video 7 – Ephesians 3:14-21 // CLICK HERE for Family Discussion Questions

Further Ephesians Study
Video 4 – Ephesians 2:1-10 // CLICK HERE
for Video 4 Guide
Video 5 – Ephesians 2:11-3:13 // CLICK HERE
 for Video 5 Guide
Video 6 – Ephesians 3:14-4:16 // CLICK HERE
for Video 6 Guide



RightNow Media

Access a FREE library of over 20,000 videos for you and your family. If you have any questions about your account or need help with set up, let us know and we will be happy to follow up and get you started:
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• Once your account is created, CLICK HERE for direct access to our Additional Resources videos OR click the Millbrook Baptist Church logo at any point within the app on your mobile device or TV.




April 28 – June 1

Download Reading Plan on a white background

Download P.O.U.R method on a white background


Click below for the Family Focus Ephesians Videos 1-3 or Further Study videos in Ephesians from J.D. Grear. To view videos, you will need access to a FREE RightNow Media Account. Directions to create your FREE account are below.

Ephesians – What is God’s Plan?
Video 1 – Introduction //
CLICK HERE for Family Discussion Questions
Video 2 – Ephesians 1:1-11 //
CLICK HERE for Family Discussion Questions
Video 3 – Ephesians 1:12-23 //
CLICK HERE for Family Discussion Questions

Further Ephesians Study
Video 1 – Introduction

Video 2 – Ephesians 1:1-14 //
CLICK HERE for Video 2 Guide
Video 3 – Ephesians 1:15-23 //
CLICK HERE for Video 3 Guide



March 24-31

Download P.O.U.R method on a white background


CLICK HERE to view Owlegories: Easter Story & God’s Plan of Salvation through RightNow Media. This video is good for families with children in 5K-2nd grade.

CLICK HERE to view Faith Lab: He Takes Up our Sin through RightNow Media. This video is good for families with children in 3rd – 5th Grade.

To view the videos, you will need access to a FREE RightNow Media Account. Directions to create your FREE account are below.

RESURRECTION ROLLS are a great Easter recipe that you can make with your kids. Cinnamon-coated marshmallows are wrapped in dough, then baked. When you break them open, they are empty inside, representing Jesus’s empty tomb on Easter morning. CLICK HERE to view the recipe.

HOLY WEEK TIMELINE – CLICK HERE to view all of the events and Scriptures from Palm Sunday leading up to Resurrection Sunday

March 1 – 23

Download P.O.U.R method on a white background


CLICK HERE for further study on Giving & Stewardship and to view RightNow Media Videos: The Treasure Principle
To view the videos, you will need access to a FREE RightNow Media Account. Directions to create your FREE account are below.

January 21 – February 29

Download P.O.U.R method on a white background


Excerpts used in the guide are from the following: (Click links below to view more info.)

• Collection of works from Experiencing God, Dr. Henry and Richard Blackaby

The Armor of God, Pastor Stephen Cannon

Prayer the Great Adventure, Dr. David Jeremiah

Victory Over Darkness, Dr. Neil T. Anderson

CLICK HERE for Experiencing God 7 Realities Coloring Pages

CLICK HERE to view the RightNow Media Video: Theo, Volume 2 – God’s Grace, Armor of God (February 25-27)
To view the video, you will need access to a FREE RightNow Media Account. Directions to create your FREE account are below.


Dig deeper in the Word, following the 4-step P.O.U.R. Method. Gather your Bible, Bible Reading Plan, journal, pen, highlighter, and other bible study materials and set aside time away from distractions. The goal is to have quality quiet time with The Lord. You may get through your entire Bible reading or the Holy Spirit may lead you to a few key passages. That’s ok! There is not a right or wrong way to read, journal, and/or highlight your Bible or notes. What is most important is that you are intentional about being in the Word and hearing from The Lord. May His blessings pour out on you as you diligently seek Him.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. – Jeremiah 29:13


As we dig deeper in the Word of God, praying is essential. One of the best promises to cling to in Scripture is that God is with us. Apart from His Spirit, reading the Bible can be hard and that is why we should always begin with prayer. Be open and willing to hear what The Lord wants to show you through His Word. Allow the Holy Spirit to maintain your focus. If you need a prayer prompt, here are a couple:

Lord, I pray that you will quiet the distractions within my heart. Help me to be focused on your Word. Show me yourself in the text. Enable me to live out this text. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Lord, I pray that you would help me be focused on you as I read today. Help me to understand your Word and live it out. In Jesus Name, Amen.


As you read, choose any scripture or passages and write down in your journal. Highlight/ mark in your Bible any meaningful words or phrases that stand out to you. Take some time to go more in-depth. Remember background and contextual clues are important. Sometimes your Bible will have additional information on the author of the text and when it was written or consult a Bible commentary or Study Bible for this information.

Some questions that are helpful to ask:
Who is the intended audience? What themes are seen through words that are being repeated? Where did this take place? What stood out about a verse? Were there any commands, instructions, warnings in the text?


Taking what you have observed in your reading, progress further and summarize in a few sentences what you can learn through the scripture or passages.

Write any other thoughts you have about the verse(s):
What is The Lord showing you through His Word? What truths can I learn? Did you learn anything new? Is there a word of encouragement, conviction, challenge?


Our final step is to take the truths of the Word that you have observed and understood, and apply them to your life. Allow the Holy Spirit to continually transform your daily life.

Write down your prayer of response to the Lord and ask for His help to apply His Word:
How can what you learned become more than knowledge? How will your life be different as a result of what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you today? Is there something you need to: Pray about? Talk about? Think about? Start doing? Stop doing?

But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it
– not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it – they will be blessed in what they do. – James 1:25


John 1-12

John 13-21




Song of Songs

1 Kings

Acts 1-7

Acts 8-12

Acts 13-20

Acts 21-28


1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians






