Our purpose is to reach women from all backgrounds and walks of life with the life changing gospel of Jesus! Bringing all women together to create community, relationships and worship as we grow together in our faith journey!

For questions, please contact Katherine Granillo, kgranillo@millbrook.cc





More Than Just a Number
Weekly Recap

SESSION 2 – Fully Surrendered – The Six Water Pots (John 2:1-11)

This week take time to review the characteristics of our water pots (listed below). Our prayer is your spiritual life continues to be challenged as you grow deeper in your walk with The Lord.

• Empty – Who or with what would you say you are filling up with today?
• Ready – Are you ready for God to show up in a mighty way in your life? Or are you stalled out and sitting on empty?
• Patient – Are you waiting on God’s timing?
• Available – How available are you when it comes to being used by God?
• Faithful – Are you praying with expectancy?

A few takeaways:

• On our journey to freedom, now that we have taken time to examine the unending and unlimited power of our God, we take the next step on the pathway. In the first step we look up. In the second, we look within.

• The second number that matters to God is ZERO. The apostle John captures it best in John 15:5I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do NOTHING. (Don’t forget to memorize this week!)

• Jesus can transform water into wine and sinners into saints. He can transform your struggles, dreams, failures, hopes, and brokenness. He can transform YOU from the inside out.

Next Week: Depend, Dwell, & Delight (Psalm 37, Isaiah 43:18-20). We look forward to seeing you then and praying you have an incredible week. Remember, YOU are MORE than just a number to HIM!

Isaiah: Registration for this study has closed but you may purchase your workbook online and are still welcome to join us! We hope to see you soon to be a part of this 8-session study through the book of Isaiah. As you study the chapters Isaiah wrote—from his challenging words to the nation of Israel to his prophecies of the Messiah to come—learn to rest in God’s promises and grow in trust. In this study, Isaiah’s words will reveal that you can trust God more than your own human effort or the counterfeits the world suggests. You won’t be striving harder, but instead trusting more deeply the Faithful One who is so worthy of our utter dependence. In Him you’ll find the comfort and peace you need to sustain you. Contact Jason Hall for more information: jhall@millbrook.cc

Wednesdays, 9:00 – 10:30 AM (EC 209)
Study begins February 8

Wednesdays, 6:00 – 7:15 PM (EC 209)
Study begins February 8

Sundays, 4:00 – 5:30 PM (EC 209)
Study begins February 12


Ladies, we have a devotion guide just for you – no matter what season of life you are in! We want to encourage you through God’s Word and to Dwell in Him. Download your digital copy below. Our prayer is the Word of The Lord speaks to you through these devotions and meet you where you are in life.

SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 4:14-16


COMMENT BACK on FACEBOOK: Let’s encourage each other – What do you do to Live a life worthy of the calling you have received? How do you keep your walk with Christ in Top Spiritual Shape?

July 10

It’s mid-July! Summer is winding down and school will be starting back in a few short weeks. Hope the last few weeks have been filled with great summer fun, friends, & church! 

We’re in a new sermon series – CrossFit! If you missed out this past Sunday, CLICK HERE to view Week 1 from this series. It’s not too late to join us in our Bible Reading Plan – millbrook.cc/grow

DON’T FORGET: Wednesday Night Family Ministries resume next week, July 17! Adult Bible Study in Kid City and other ministry opportunities around campus. CLICK HERE for more details!

July 3

Have a Happy 4th! As you enjoy celebrating Independence Day, don’t forget as believers we have freedom in Christ to become fruitful disciples of Jesus. CLICK HERE to view a great message from Pastor Stephen on this!


SCRIPTURE: Galatians 5:13-26


COMMENT BACK on FACEBOOK: Spiritual Check-Up – Praise The Lord we experience freedom in Christ! Are you fulfilling your full potential as a Christ-follower? What are some areas of struggle where our walk may not be as strong as we would like it to be?

June 26

It’s VBS week @ MILLBROOK! Pray for kids, students, and adults as lives are reached with the Gospel.


SCRIPTURE: Acts 2:22-28


COMMENT BACK on FACEBOOK: What is your favorite Vacation Bible School memory – whether as a kid or serving as a adult?

June 19

TOMORROW is officially the FIRST DAY OF SUMMER! CLICK HERE to check out and worship along with this video (skip the ads!).




COMMENT BACK on FACEBOOK: Here’s a fun one – What’s your fav flavor of ice cream or frozen treat?

June 12

GOD STORIES point to who God is and what He has done. CLICK HERE to check out and worship along with this video (skip the ads!).

SCRIPTURE: Romans 5:17-21 (CLICK HERE to check out our God Stories Bible Reading Plan)

COMMENT BACK on FACEBOOK: Apart from Salvation, what is one thing you are thankful for that God has done in your life?

June 5

CLICK HERE to check out and worship along with this video (skip the ads!).

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 150

COMMENT BACK on FACEBOOK: What is your fav praise & worship song?